“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom). ~ 2 Corinthians 3:17 (AMP)

You are FREE in Christ.  Free from worry, fear, anxiety.  Free from the bondage of this world.  Free from sin and corruption.  It has already been emancipated!  Through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, you can now walk in full liberty. (see John 8:36)

If you are entangled with the sins of this world and the snare it brings, I  have good news for you.  You can be set free TODAY!.  The Word tells us to confess our sins one to another that we may be healed.  Confession, with repentance, opens up the door for God’s forgiveness, mercy and grace.  He is here waiting for you to receive His love and His power.  

The power to overcome!  The power to press on!  The power to become the sons and daughters of the most high God is yours today.  You can, and will do, all things through Christ who strengthens you.  If you have fallen short, it’s not over.  For ALL have fallen short.  But God, in His infinite power, will send you the helper.  The Holy Spirit will lift you up and empower you to press on.

“Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

~ James 4:7

Today is your day.  Your day to say no to the devil and his lies.  John 10:10, tells us that it is the THIEF, (satan. The devil.) who steals, kills and destroys, but it is Christ who gives life and life abundantly.  Lift up your head and walk boldly  today knowing that you have been bought with a price.  Stand firm and walk in victory!  You are an overcomer, and you are FREE!  Free to be everything God has called you to be and do.

Rejoice, knowing the battle has already been won and press on.

Until Next Time Remember, Stay Calm and Be Empowered!!

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