When Life Gets in the Way
Ever feel like the to-do list just keeps growing and growing? You’re busy all day, yet feel as if nothing gets done? Obstacles, interruptions and distractions continually invading your plans can cause delays in reaching your goals. If you want to be successful in your endeavors and fulfill the purpose that God has for you, you must learn how to avoid being derailed. The enemy will do everything he can to get you off track. This includes using people and things that “look like God”, and “sound like God” to distract you.Ephesians 5:15-16 tells us to, “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil”
We must be wise in discerning what is truly good for us, what opportunities we should pursue, and when we should draw back. Are you living a balanced life? Are you continually focused on the main event? Distractions can come in many ways. Allowing someone’s opinion, or actions to come in and take up “space” in your head can throw you off for days if you allow it. Filling your schedule with too many appointments and activities can leave you depleted, worn out and too tired to do necessary tasks. Too much time spent on social media, the news, Netflix, or social events can steal multiple hours per day. I know it’s easy. You want to check on something so you grab your phone, start looking it up and find yourself one hour later on something totally insignificant. In addition, you never finish the task you originally set out to do. Unfortunately, I have found myself distracted by all the above at one time or another. It’s up to you and I to make the changes necessary to keep moving forward.
You may need to adjust your schedule or change the way you do things. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to keep you focused and get to the important things first. God desires that you would “have life and that abundantly”. There is a balance and there is wisdom to be used in order to see your visions fulfilled. One example of making changes is when I work at home I can be easily distracted by the dogs. So I began to take them to the park each morning, letting them run around so they would be tired out and not wanting my attention all day. It worked. Other times I have had to just say, “No.” No to family, friends, business partners. You are not going to be productive if you are worn out. You must allow time for yourself to get refueled. Making sure you get the proper amount of sleep, exercise and nutrition. You must also allow time for your enjoyment and most importantly time alone with God. Jesus himself was always taking time to go and be alone with the Father. “And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed”. ~ Mark 1:35.
It is when we are in our quiet time with the Lord, a solitary place, that we are filled. Equipped and refreshed by His Spirit to give us the strength, the wisdom and the direction for each day. Within your busy schedules, you must also set aside time to be alone with the Father. This is where it all begins. He will give you wisdom. He will give you peace. He will give you direction. Over the next few days, begin each day with getting alone with HIm. Pray and seek His wisdom for the day. List out your most important things that “need” to get done and arrange your schedule to give you the proper “undisturbed” time you need to complete each task. Don’t let life get in the way of finishing your race.
You’ve got this! Put the sign out “DO NOT DISTURB!”, and carry on.
Until Next Time Remember,
Stay Calm and Be Empowered!