Have you ever felt like giving up due to feeling inadequate, stressed out, or tired?  If so, begin to rejoice and take delight.  Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:10, “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.  For when I am weak, then I am strong”

“ Delight in weakness” ???   How can that be?   This bible verse always made me think that God was seriously confused.   Living in a world where weakness and failure is looked upon as something to be ashamed of, it seems impossible to actually be joyful when these things happen.  I don’t want to admit to my weaknesses, or let anyone see them in me.  So how then am I to delight in them? 

As much as the world tells us things are perfect, you and I know that they are not.  Social media accounts are full of people posting their “ perfect lives”   But you know better.  You and I both face times in our lives when things feel overwhelming.  That point when you think to yourself that things could not possibly get worse, or that you have reached your limit.  How can you possibly make it another day with all the problems that you are facing?    It is in those moments when you must remember HIS promises to you.  God knows you.  He formed you and created you for wonderful things.  And no matter what, He is right beside you through EVERYTHING.   God’s word is true.  He tells you to delight in weakness, and hardships because it makes you stronger.  But that strength isn’t your own.  That strength comes from our Lord.   “ The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe”  Proverbs 18:10.   It is not in us, but through HIM that we persevere.  It is why His word tells you in Philippians 4:13. “ I can do ALL things through Christ, which strengthens me”  

I know in my life personally , there have been many struggles.  When my husband passed away, the challenges I faced were overwhelming.  Inside I felt like I was falling apart.   But I knew that HE had the strength to lift me up.  The Lord carried me through those times and gave me the faith to move ahead through the weakness and hardships, past the insults and persecution and to rejoice in HIS strength and promises.  

I want to encourage you this week to SEEK GOD.  When you feel like quitting because of disappointment, or failures.  When you feel overwhelmed by your circumstances.  In all times of struggle, reach for His Word.   You may feel tired and helpless sometimes, but God’s Word holds the power to renew you and give you strength.  Praise HIM for all He has done in your life, and with FAITH, thank HIM for all He is about to do.   

Until next week,   Remember,

  Stay calm and BE empowered!

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