What you are thinking about matters more than you know. Your mind is a battleground. It is where positive and negative forces collaborate to either take you down or take you forward. If you want to accomplish those things you have set out to do, you must take control of your mind first. The Word of God tells us, “be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.
The average person has up to 60,000 thoughts per day and 80% of those thoughts are negative. And 90% are repetitive. So what if you began to take captive every thought, and brought it into subjection with the Word of God? How much more positive do you think you would be
This is quite embarrassing to say, but I feel like I need to share it with you. I was having a really good day, feeling good about myself and where I was headed. Then, right in the middle of blow drying my hair, the hair dryer blew out. Immediately I thought, oh no, I guess I was feeling too good. God must not want me to be this happy. I literally felt my countenance drop. My thoughts affected my feelings and my faith. I clearly was not thinking according to the Word of God. I quickly began to think, NO. The fruit of the spirit is joy. I have joy today, and devil you are not going to steal it! I got another hair dryer and began to praise God for the great day He had given me. Then, I made a commitment to keep my joy no matter what happened that day. I am sure I made the enemy furious
This made me begin to think about other areas in my life that I had been letting wrong thoughts steal from me. Jesus calls the devil a thief, and in Proverbs 6:30-31 the Word says that if the thief is caught, he must return sevenfold! The devil was caught trying to steal my joy. Now he must repay me sevenfold. If he has been stealing from you, it is time to start taking it back. Let him know he has been caught and make him repay!
Take back your joy, your finances, your faith, and your peace. Whatever those stinking thinking thoughts have been, begin to tear them down. Take hold of your future and move forward knowing that God is about to do something big in you and through you.
Until Next Time Remember,
Stay Calm and Be Empowered.