Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.  ~Romans 13:13-14

 The Word tells us to put on the Lord Jesus Christ. It is an act that we are required to do. Sometimes we might not feel like acting or behaving in a proper way, but the Word teaches us to not be ruled by our flesh.  We are not to be ruled by our feelings, our moods, or our attitudes.  In 1 Corinthians 9:27, Paul said that he would bring his body into subjection.  In other words, his body did not rule him and his spirit.  Paul, through the spirit, brought his body into alignment with the Word.

The first thing you need to do is recognize what you are presently wearing.  Is it flattering?  Does it feel good?  Does it represent Christ?  If you are like me, you want to make sure you have the proper clothing on for the day. Especially if you will be going to a special event.  Sometimes this can be a little frustrating as I try to decide what I am going to put on and usually wind up trying on several different outfits before finally coming to a decision.  We all want to look our best, but what is more important is how we dress our spirit.  What are you putting on? Each and every day, you get to choose what you put on.  You can let your flesh dictate and control you, or you can bring it into subjection.  The choice is yours.

One example of this comes to my mind.  As a young adult Christian, I noticed that in the mornings I was pretty miserable.  Miserable to be around as well.  The Holy Ghost started nudging at me and showed me that all I had to do was put on something different.  So instead of grumbling through the kitchen trying to get my coffee, I began to smile and say good morning to those around me.   It was difficult at first, but as I persisted in putting on joy, it became natural.  To this day, I praise God for bringing me “joy in the morning”. 

Your clothes don’t just fall on you.  You have to first choose what you are going to wear, and then you have to put them on.  Allow the Lord to show you areas in your life that are being ruled by your flesh and begin to “put on” something different.  You will be amazed at what the Holy Spirit will do in you and through you.

 Until Next Time Remember,

Stay Calm and Be Empowered.

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