“The Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry to Me?  Tell the people of Israel to go forward!”  ~Exodus 14:15

There is only one direction for you to go and that is forward.  God is always moving forward and is calling you to go forward with Him.  The enemy will use any tactic and plan he can to get you off track and keep you from your destination.  If you feel like the heat has been cranked up and your zeal is being stripped away from you, begin to rejoice.  Rejoice, because the thief would not be on your tail if you weren’t on the right track.  

“Be subject to God.  Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you.”  ~James 4:7

Don’t allow an open door for the enemy to take you down and quit.  Resist him with all your might.  Do not give in.  Do not listen to his lies and do not allow him to harass you.  Remember, anytime that you allow him entrance he will continue to barge into every area of your life that he can.  In other words, when you don’t resist him in one area,  he will come in and take more territory.  Instead, submit yourself to God.  Take authority over your thoughts.  Over your mind.  Resist the lies.  Resist drawing back and the devil will flee.  The discouragement will flee. 

If you have been a quitter in the past.  Repent.  Resist the devil!  Keep pressing forward and do not become double minded.  In James Chapter 1, the Word tells us that we must ask in faith, nothing wavering and that a double minded man will receive nothing.  Put the double mindedness behind you.  Again, resist the devil and he will flee!  The Israleites began to murmur and complain and God told Moses to tell them to stop their belly aching that just as He was with them in the past, He would be there in the future.  Moses, tell them to go forward!

What has the Lord put on your heart and mind to do?  What is it that you have started and not finished?  What is that one thing you haven’t taken the leap of faith to begin?  It’s time to submit to God, resist the devil, and move forward!  Paul continually pressed toward the markPress toward your goal.  Press toward your victory!  No matter how hard it gets, don’t give in.  Continue to Press!  Forget the failures!  Forget the past mistakes!  Put the devil under your feet and keep reaching for the vision and plan that God has for your life.  

You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you!  (Philippians 4:13)

Until Next Time Remember,

Stay Calm and Be Empowered.

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