I don’t know about you, but I find it difficult to get alone and be still.  There is always something that needs to be done and the distractions seem to multiply daily.  Not to mention the guilt that tries to come over me the moment I begin to think about taking time for myself.  The truth is, we all need to take time to “be still”.  The word tells us in Psalm 37:7 to “be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him”.  (NIV)  Psalm 46:10 tells us to, “be still and know that I am God.”  If you want to experience God’s presence, His comfort and His direction, you must take time to be alone with Him.

The original Hebrew word for “still” used in Psalm 46:10 means to stop striving, to cause yourself to let go, to willingly submit yourself to God and His control, surrender to God, to slacken off, leave alone, become weak, to relax, to let alone, to be quiet, to be silent, inactive or still.  

I can not tell you how important it is for you and I to take the time to silence our being.  Become quiet and inactive. Slack off a little.  As I mentioned earlier, this is not always easy for me to do.  After attending a writing and speaking conference in North Carolina, I decided to stay in the mountains for a few days and take a spa day.  It was breathtaking to say the least.  The spa had amazing facilities and did not allow any electronics, so I was totally unplugged.  I arrived at the spa early in the morning and did not leave until late afternoon.  While soaking in the peace and tranquility I began to weep and felt an overwhelming calmness.  There is great power and healing in being still.  It will replenish your soul, give you time and space to self-reflect and it will sooth your nervous system.  

We all tend to live in high demands, and on high alert while our sympathetic nervous system is running wild.  Our parasympathetic nervous system is used to bring our system to standard activity levels.  When our bodies and minds are constantly in that sympathetic mode, we become unbalanced.  Allowing yourself to rest and digest, brings back balance and allows you to feel calm and safe.  Doesn’t that sound peaceful?  According to the Cleveland Clinic, your parasympathetic nervous system is part of your autonomic, or automatic, nervous system and is responsible for many functions, including your heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, urination and sweating.  When your body does not get the necessary rest time all these functions and more can become at risk, including your relationship with the Lord and others.   

Remaining constantly in the “fight or flight” mode takes a toll on you, your body and everyone around you.  But when you take the time to become still before the Lord, you will find rest. “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  ~Matthew 11:28 

I want to encourage you to get your calendar out and block an appointment to rest and relax.  You deserve it!  You are worth it!  Let go and allow yourself to be refreshed, restored, and energized.

Until next time,

Stay Calm and Be Empowered


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