The Height of the Humble 


When you wake up in the morning and get ready for your day, you usually consider the clothing you are putting on.  You want to look your best and take time to make sure your clothes aren’t wrinkled, stained, or mismatching.  First impressions are based on what people see when they first look at you.  What you wear and how you wear it is seen by all.  This includes the attitude you have for the day.  Your attitude is on display for everyone to see.  How you feel, or what you are thinking may begin on the inside, but it always makes its way to the surface as an outward expression.  The slight eye roll, or the just audible sigh.  All those around you see the kind of attitude you have for the day.   Most importantly, God sees your attitude.  He notices it and He moves in your life according to your attitude.  

Pride is the result of a poor attitude.  Not the type of pride that comes from being proud of something you have worked hard for and seen accomplished.  That type of pride is healthy.  However, when we begin to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to, we fall into an unhealthy form of pride.   Overestimation of our value, or a feeling of superiority over others can lead us on a downward spiral.  Sometimes this pride comes from a deep feeling of unworthiness.  On the inside you may battle with feeling less than and in turn overcompensate those feelings with a prideful nature. This type of pride will destroy you and stop the blessing in your life from flowing.  God is aware of this type of spirit and He does not reward it.   Proverbs 18:12 says “ Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility.”  The attitude that accompanies pride is a destructive one.  God will not heighten you when you are walking in a prideful state or manner.   Pride can come in many forms and fashion, even living above our means is a form of pride.  Being impatient with ourselves and others can be a form of pride.  Holding ourselves in a state of entitlement is also a form of pride.  God is pleased with the heart that is clothed in humility.  In order to see His blessings, we must line up with His Word.

We are told in Proverbs 29:23  “A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit”    When you take time to focus on your spirit, God honors that.  In order for God to move on your behalf, you must begin to put on humility.  You can not take what you are feeling in the moment and react to it through haste and pride.  Instead you have to take what you are feeling and line it up with humility.  Against even your own feelings and desires, you have to make the choice to adjust your attitude and do what is right in God’s eyes.  When you come before the Lord with a humble heart and  put total dependance in Him,  He begins to take you to new heights. “ Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up” James 4:10.   The path of humility will bring you closer to God and give you a more abundant life than a haughty, prideful attitude.  

You can be honest with yourself and with the Lord about your weaknesses and your strengths.   If there is something that you have trouble with, it does not make you a lesser person.  Just as having a gift in another area does not make you better.  This is the way that God created you and there is confidence and contentment in that.  Know that all you have is because of the Father, and rely on HIm to continue to guide you.  It is wonderful to walk in humility of where God has brought you to today, but still strive to attain all your goals in the will of God.  You have  to make the decision to “put on” humility.  “Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering” Colossians 3:12.    When you are full of pride and self righteousness it is impossible to put on kindness and compassion.  You get in your own way, and in turn get in God’s way of elevating you and your life.  With humility you can have mercy and empathy for others throughout the day.  But you have to work at it.  You have to take action and choose to be kind and caring throughout your day.  

This week I challenge you as you encounter times in the day that you feel the attitude of pride taking over; make a choice to walk in kindness and humility in the situation.  As a wonderful man of God,  Arnie Dahl once said  “ It is far better for you to humble yourself than to have God humble you.”


Until Next Time Remember,


Stay Calm and Be Empowered 


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