God is moving on your behalf. Even now! Will you not know it? God is looking to fulfill His promises in your life! He is ready to do all the big and little things that you have hoped for. The things you have been praying for and believing for. God is doing a new thing now. He has prepared the way. He has been with you in the storms and the valleys and is ready to take you to the mountain.
As humans I think we all expect miracles and prayers to be answered on the spot. God can and does do supernatural spontaneous miracles at times. But I have found in my life that most of my prayers are answered after I take a step of faith. God always asks us to give what we have and to do what we can before He steps in with the miracle.
Look at the very first miracle Jesus did at the wedding feast in Cana. When they ran out of wine Mary, the mother of Jesus went to him and requested his help. When Jesus told her it was not his time, Mary looked at the servants and told them to do whatever he says to do. Jesus then spoke to the servants and told them to fill the jars with water. The servants obeyed, and then Jesus told them to draw some out and bring it to the master of the banquet.
“…and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.” John 2:9-10
It wasn’t until after the servants obeyed him that the miracle was performed. Also notice that Jesus didn’t just make mediocre quality wine. He made the best wine. When we act in obedience to what God is asking of us, he comes through with the best.
Sometimes I have seen God ask me to do things that often seem like a backwards step only to bring my miracle in the future. Don’t hesitate to let go of things. If God is leading you to let go, it is for your benefit.
I remember when we had an issue at the business and caused us to loose tens of thousands of dollars per month. I was driving a beautiful top of the line Cadillac Escalade-ESV. So to reduce the payments I traded down to a smaller SUV. I began to love my new little SUV and then God showed up. About one year later, God used my son to bring me to the dealership where he had my dream car delivered. I had no idea he had them bring the car there for me to look at. Well end of story, I traded the little SUV for my DREAM CAR….and saved money doing it. God is faithful. He is a miracle worker. We just have to be willing to do “whatever” he says to do.
“While it is said, Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.” Hebrews 3:15
When we begin to seek God and lift our petitions up to heaven, God begins to move on our behalf. Our obedience to His voice takes us to the place where He can then show up in all of his glory. We must be faithful TODAY and not become anxious or doubtful. God is not in a hurry. Continue to be faithful, hang tight and see him do a new thing…now.
Roberta Kay