“For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”  ~ 2 Corinthians 10:12

If you have ever found yourself comparing your life, your success, your status, your looks, or anything else with other people, you know first hand the torment that can begin to develop.

We can become so caught up in analyzing everyone else around us, that we forget our own purpose, vision and dreams.  Maybe you have been thinking that you couldn’t measure up to those around you.  Or not sure if you could obtain what others have already achieved.  No matter what the comparison is, it is a trap.  It is a trap to leave you in uncertainty of your own worth.  A trap to make you doubt, and even become fearful of your destiny.  

The Word shows us that it is “unwise” to measure ourselves with others.  I know that in my own journey I have fallen into this trap and have experienced many of the dangers that come with it.  Doubt, fear, jealousy, manipulation and falling into your own strength, are just a few of the results from comparison. I think the worst of them is the unbelief and doubt that clings to your mind, making it almost impossible to focus on the task that God has given you.

The enemy is real, and if he can get you comparing, judging and competing with others, he can block you from moving forward.  Instead, let us be wise, and keep our eyes upon Him.  As you trust Him with your process, doors will open. It is when you are following Him with all your heart, soul and mind that you will hear the words, “well done.”

No matter what you are going through, or how behind you may think you are, you are right where you need to be.  Do not become trapped in the comparison game.  You have a gift and a purpose that only YOU can fill.  No one else can do what you do.  No one else can be who you are.  Psalm 138:12 declares this so well, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  You are wonderfully crafted by God’s hands, with a unique design and purpose.

Instead of wondering about those around you, look to Him, the author and the finisher of your faith.  Rejoice, right here, right now.   Resting in Him, as He continues to lead you and guide you to fulfill His plan for you. I promise, He will not let you down.

Until Next Time,

Stay Calm, And Be Empowered


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