The Aftermath


It’s Monday morning, and the party’s over.  We began the festivities with Palm Sunday, went through Holy Week, grieved on Good Friday.  We were silent on Saturday, and ended with a celebration on Resurrection Sunday.  Our hearts were moved upon by the Spirit of God as we remembered Christ and the sacrifice that was made for us.  Tears were shed.  Many gave their hearts to the Lord.  Some returned and others had their fire rekindled.  It truly was a beautiful week. 

But I was left in a rather sober state and the scripture in Romans 8:11 kept rising up in my spirit.  The scripture says, “but if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.”  As I began to mediate and dwell on this scripture, I could not help but think of that power and what it means to us today.  His word says that He will quicken, make alive your mortal bodies. And here I was, Monday morning feeling nothing close to “alive”.  Maybe you have been left feeling a little depleted at times.  Sometimes this can happen because you are not getting the proper rest or over extending yourself.  We can also allow worry and the cares of this world to creep in and overtake our faith.  No matter what the cause, God wants you to be “alive” in Him.  He gives power to the faint.  (Isiah 40:29). In Psalm 23:3, David said, “he restores my soul”.  That power is alive in us, every day.  If His Spirit is allowed to dwell in us, He will quicken us by His Spirit.  As we sacrifice and keep His Spirit first, He will make us alive in Him.  He will build us up.  He will lead us beside still waters.  He will revive us again and again.

The scripture continues with, “Therefore, brethren we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.  For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body ye shall live.” (Romans 8:12) True life is found in Christ.  When we say no to our flesh, no to our carnal desires, no to our own negative thoughts, and our own agenda and instead live according to the Spirit we shall have life.

When Christ rose from the dead, He defeated death itself.  He conquered the greatest thing the enemy had over us.  We now have that same power living inside of us.  I encourage you this week to allow Holy Spirit to continue to move on your heart and show you, His power.  He will quicken your mortal body.

Until Next Time Remember,

Stay Calm and Be Empowered


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