Tag: #praise

Don’t Doubt Yourself, Your About To Be Elevated!

Don’t Doubt Yourself, Your About To Be Elevated!

Over the last couple of weeks, both myself and the ministry have been under attack and I began to ask the Lord why?   What did I do wrong?  God, I thought I was doing what you wanted me to do.  Did I miss it?  Was the peace and the Word I thought I had from you, not you?  All…

The Benefits of Worship

The Benefits of Worship

The Benefits of Worship     The more you spend time in God’s presence, the more likely you are to find yourself enjoying all the wonderful benefits of Him in your life.  The less time you  spend in His presence, the less likely you are to enjoy all that He has to offer you as a Father who loves to…



DRY BONES   Do you have dry areas in your life?  You have been given supernatural power to change your circumstances.  God’s word tells us “ Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”  –Proverbs 18:21.   Your words have the power to cause dryness or blessings.  We can…

The Presence of God

The Presence of God

  The Presence of God                I often wonder what it was like for God’s people before Christ died and left us with The Holy Spirit.  Before we were cleansed from our sins.  Reading from the Old Testament,  we see that there was a much different type of relationship between man and God before the sacrifice of Jesus.   Sin…