Real Prayer 


The Bible is our ultimate source for everything that the Lord wants us to know. It guides us on how to live our lives, and what to do in every situation. Over the past few weeks we have been studying prayer and how to have a stronger prayer life.  As we learn more about Jesus’s example in Matthew 6 :9-13, and other examples given in the Word, we gain a deeper understanding of prayer and how to use it to connect with God.  However, as inspiring and powerful as God’s word is, when we apply these verses to our everyday lives, it can still leave us with questions and doubts.  I recently had a great conversation with a close friend where we discussed some of these stumbling blocks and challenges to our REAL prayer life. 

As I have mentioned before, being able to pray for someone when they ask you to pray for them is a wonderful honor and an amazing opportunity to use the power God gave us.  But honestly for many of us, that isn’t an easy task.  To step out in faith and speak out loud in front of another person and share an intimate conversation is hard.  It takes a true sense of confidence to do so.  Thoughts can enter our minds to create doubt and fear.  What if I mess up?  What if the person thinks I didn’t pray right?  What if they judge me and think I’m not a real christian?  What if my mind goes blank?  The doubt can go on forever.  Step outside of the questions and push through.  God is not judging your words when you pray.  He just sees your heart.  Chances are the person you are praying for will see your heart as well.  They will be so thankful that you showed them love and concern.  All of the doubt will disappear if you step out in faith and believe that you can do it.    

Many times it is the obstacle of actually speaking your prayers out loud that can cause the challenge.  When we are alone with God, a majority of us pray silently, in our hearts and our heads.  This makes the times when we have to pray out loud uncomfortable or awkward.  It isn’t something that we are used to because we don’t often do it.  We may not realize it, but there is extraordinary power in speaking our prayers out loud.  The Bible shows us how God SPOKE the world into existence.  In Ezekiel 12:25 it says “For I am the Lord: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass, it shall be no more prolonged: for in your days, O rebellious house, will I say the word, and will perform it, saith the Lord God”   Speak your prayer out.  Do not keep them in your mind and in your heart.  Shout them out to Him.  It will make them more powerful and also help you to become comfortable when having to pray in front of others.  

There are many things about our daily prayer life that we have questions about, or that we may struggle with.   I encourage you to get Real with some of your brothers and sisters in Christ and share those things.  You may be surprised to learn they feel the same way.  If you want to hear some of the other topic that I talked about in my recent conversation, be sure to check out #Real Prayer on your favorite podcast platform or our YouTube channel,


Until Next Time Remember,

Stay Calm, and Be Empowered.

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