If you are anything like me, you get excited to see the favor of God working in your life. That unexpected blessing. Favor at the coffee shop, or the workplace. Whenever I see the hand of God move on my behalf my faith gets ignited. So how do we obtain this favor? Why does it seem to come and go? There are things that you can do that will hinder God’s hand, and there are things you can do that will open up the windows of heaven.
One of the top things I have witnessed that enables a believer to gain the favor of God is to continually give thanks. “In every thing, give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18 God absolutely loves to hear your praise and thanksgiving. No matter what your circumstances are, you must continue to give Him praise. Nothing can hinder the favor of God like a complaining and murmuring spirit. When you are full of His praise, there is no room for complaining. Instead of grumbling and cursing about the “thing”, you are going through, begin to thank God for turning it around. Take authority over it. Jesus said, whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. (Matthew 18:18) If you just accept everything that comes your way, you are choosing not to walk in the authority that has been given to you as a born again, spirit filled believer. As you begin to walk in His authority, you will see His hand moving. But, if you continue to just sit around wallowing in discontentment, you will not see God move on your behalf with the unmerited favor of God. Being critical, judgmental, bitter and unforgiving will also stop the hand of God.
If you want to position yourself for favor, begin with praise, thanksgiving, and gratitude. Then, by faith mix it with prayer and obedience. Remove any unforgiveness or bitterness and surrender your heart to His will. I guarantee, you will see the mighty hand of God move in your life.
Until Next time,,,, Remember
Stay Calm, and Be Empowered