Every New Year brings us a fresh new start.  It reminds me of the scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “ Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. When we receive Christ we are washed clean by the blood of the lamb and receive a fresh clean start. I sense that same cleansing power right now.  2023 is behind you.  All the trials, frustrations, failures, accomplishments and even the victories are now in the past.  You can walk freely into 2024 with a clean slate and the promises of God before you.  

To make this next year better than ever, begin to examine all that you have experienced and the knowledge you have gained.  Ask yourself, what can I do better?  What things can I change?  What things should I eliminate?  And most importantly, take time out to be alone with the Father and seek His direction.  “A man’s heart deviseth his way; but the Lord directeth his steps” ~Proverbs 16:9  The Hebrew word for deviseth simply means to think or plan.  You can think and plan your way, but it is the Lord who will direct your steps. If you desire to see the hand of God move in your life, you must be willing to lay all your plans and desires at the foot of the cross. God has a great plan and purpose for you.  It may look and feel totally different from what you have thought or desired, but as you embrace what He has for you this season, you will achieve a much greater reward than working on your own plan.

Maybe you are like that race horse inside the gate waiting for it to open so you can take off running as fast as you can, or maybe you are a little gun shy at the moment and are waiting on the sidelines to see how the race begins.  Whatever mode you are in, I want to encourage you to move in the perfect timing of the Lord.  If you push yourself ahead of God’s timing or if you lag behind and not move when He says to move you will wind up missing opportunities and possibly making mistakes.  

This is the year of open doors. The word tells us that He will open doors that no man can shut.  Watch, pray and seek the Lord for Him to lead you to the open doors.  Bishop Murray has a great saying,  “things don’t go wrong, they start wrong”.  Don’t feel pressured to “do”.  Instead wait upon the Lord. There have been many times that I set all my plans up and was ready to move, but the Lord showed me it wasn’t time.  I had that gut feeling something was not right.  Begin to write all your ideas, your plans, your desires and your vision down on paper.  Then take them to the Lord, continue to pray over them until He makes a way.  He is going to lead you to the green pastures and open the doors that have been shut, all in His perfect timing.  Wait upon Him and He will renew your strength.  (~Isaiah 40:31)  

You are about to mount up as an eagle as He takes you to the high places in 2024

Until Next Time Remember, 

Stay Calm, and Be Empowered.


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