Do you ever feel like there’s never enough time to do everything?   Feel exhausted?  Worn out? Hopeless?  Feel as if you are spinning your wheels and going nowhere?  You keep giving and giving, with nothing coming back to you?  Maybe financially things are out of control.  Never enough, and just when you think you’re going to get ahead, something else rears its ugly head and your left back at square one.  Whatever your situation is right now, it’s not the time to quit. 

DON’T GIVE UP!  DON’T GROW WEARY IN WELL DOING!  I have witnessed so many times throughout my walk, that right before the blessing, right before the miracle, all hell hits.  But if we “hang on” and don’t give up, we SEE the miracle!


And let us not be weary in well doing:

for in due season we shall reap,

if we faint not.”  Galatians 6:9


  Do NOT grow weary in doing well.  You shall reap!  I think sometimes we expect our harvest or the “reaping” to come from those we sow into.  But sometimes, that is just not the case.  God is the one who causes the increase.  You need to keep doing well without expecting a return from those you are doing good to.  If you expect returns from those you are giving to, you will more than likely be let down and possibly fall into bitterness, thus removing yourself from the blessing. Your eyes must stay focused on Him knowing that as you continue to give, and continue to do well to others, God will cause you to reap.

If you feel like giving up, I challenge you to press in even deeper.  Begin to do even greater deeds, greater works.  Give a little more.  Bless someone else.  Praise Him in all things.  Resist the devil, and He will flee!  (James 4:7). You’re about to reap!


Give, and it shall be given unto you;

good measure, pressed down,

and shaken together, and running over,

shall men give into your bosom.

For with the same measure that ye mete

withal it shall be measured to you again.

~Luke 6:38


Until next time,

Remember, Stay Calm

And be Empowered!


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