Keep Pressing On

     Ever feel like everything that can go wrong is going wrong?  I have been in those seasons where it seems like life is just hard.  Every moment I think I am getting ahead, or on track…BOOM…, I am hit with another setback.  Sometimes life gets hard.  You may be in one of those “difficult” times.  But be of good cheer, this too shall pass!  I know it is hard to imagine the other side when we are in the middle of the storm.  But you must continue to put on faith and hope.  Put into remembrance the weather storms.  There may be severe thunderstorms, a hurricane or a tornado, but we know that it will soon end.  Sometimes they don’t necessarily end when we would like them to, but they do end, and the sun always comes back out.  You can be assured that brighter days are ahead. 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,

“plans to prosper you and hot to harm you,

plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

     God desires to prosper you and do you no harm.  He has plans of hope and a future.  Another one of my favorite scriptures is Romans 8:28, “all things work together for good to those that love God and are called according to His purpose.”  God is always ready to take a bad situation and turn it around for your good.  You may be thinking that there is no way anything good can come out of the situation you are in.  But trust me, it will.  If you keep your eyes on the Lord and begin to thank Him and praise Him for turning it around in His time.  He has fulfilled this very scripture in my life many times and He will do it for you again and again and again

     I encourage you this week to thank Him for all the rough times He has already brought you through and thank Him for turning your mourning into dancing, your heaviness into praise, and your tears into joy.  He is a miracle worker and He is standing by ready to pour out His blessing and His Spirit upon you.


     As always, remember 

Stay calm and Be Empowered!


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