I can not believe it is August already.  I hope you have had a great 2023 so far and I am praying that it gets even better over the next five months.  I feel like God is stirring up my spirit to make the end better than the beginning.  What can you do to make the next five months even better?  For me, letting go of distractions is a big one.  Another one is prioritizing my time and efforts to make sure I am putting the most important and most significant things first.  

In order to do that, our first priority should always be our relationship with the King.  In the book of Matthew in the sixth chapter, the Word shows us that we are not to worry about, or take thought of what we will eat, drink, or wear, but we are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousnessThen all these “things” shall be added.  (Matthew 6:33) As we spend time with Him and in His Word, miracles happen and all things begin to work together for our good! (Romans 8:28)

 Perhaps you have been discouraged, or concerned about not making the mark or accomplishing all you set out to do this year. Maybe things have seemingly gotten worse?   I guarantee you, if you are seeking God, you are moving forward!  The fires and battles will only take you further and make you stronger!  God is with you in the fire and He will make a way for you in the wilderness. He will take all the chaos and turn it around for YOUR good!  

It is easy for us to lose sight of just how far we have come.  I took out my vision board from January and saw so many things already being accomplished and/or in the workings. I still have a long way to go, but I know without a doubt, as I continue to ask, pray, knock, and follow Him I will see victory and so will you.  I encourage you, take out that vision board and see what the Lord has done.  When you SEE what He has already done, it will open up a channel of faith and hope to press on.  If you did not put together a vision board, take some time to think about all the great things that have transpired since January of this year, and write them down.  Give God glory!  Thank Him! Praise Him! Fight the good fight of faith, knowing your God is able to do above and beyond all you can ask or think.  (Ephesians 3:20) 

Continue to seek first the Kingdom of God and make 2023 the best year ever!  Please send us your praise report and let us know what God is doing in your life and through you. We are believing with you and for you.

Until Next Time Remember Stay Calm and Be Empowered 

Love you!

Roberta Kay


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