“The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, 

a refuge in times of trouble”.  ~Psalm 9:9

Have you ever been in that chaotic state where you feel like you are losing it and you just can’t take it anymore?  Maybe the heat has you making wrong discussions, speaking things you normally wouldn’t speak, or doing things that you normally would not do?  I have been in circumstances when I have reacted through my feelings rather than my faith and it never produced a good outcome

So what do we do when the heat is on?  What do we do when someone is agitating us to our limit?  How am I supposed to deal with the stress?  How do I deal with the problems in my marriage, or the workplace?  What can I do when the pressures of life are beating me down and causing me to feel broken?  

There are several ways we can react to the heat.  Some of us harden our hearts to the point where the hurt becomes an unrighteous anger.  There are those who withdraw themselves from everyone.  Others plunge into their work and keep busy doing, and doing, and doing.  Many turn themselves over to drugs or alcohol just to escape the pain.  However, all these actions  lead to more problems in our lives.  The Word tells us that the Lord is a refuge.  A refuge means a condition or place of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble.  He is our refuge.  He is our stronghold.  “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.  I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.  (Psalm 18:1)

When you call upon the Lord in the time of trouble and give Him praise for the WHO and not the WHAT, He comes in and saves, delivers and heals.  There is strength in Him.  So many times I have sought all kinds of ways out of my circumstances instead of going straight to the Lord.  When we take everything to the Lord in prayer first, He comes to our defense.  He becomes our strength.  He rescues us and He saves us from all our enemies.  If you can keep your mind set on Him and keep PRAISE in your heart for WHO HE IS, you will see the victory!  You and I can get all wrapped up in what we are going through and not “feel” the praise, so we stop.  It is in the time of need, the time of pain, the time of frustration and the time that we don’t feel like it, that we must praise the Lord.  Not for the WHAT, but for the WHO.   In other words, we don’t praise God for the bad things that are happening, but we continue to praise Him FOR WHO HE IS.  Praise Him, even if you don’t feel like it and God will rescue you!  He will deliver you!  He will give you wisdom and direction for an escape when necessary.  He will cause your enemies to flee.

If you’re going through some heat right now, I encourage you to run to the Lord.  Seek Him first, and begin to praise Him.  He will bring you peace in the storm.

Until next time,

Stay Calm and

Be Empowered


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