We’ve all been there at times. Moments when that overwhelming feeling of frustration, and discouragement creeps in.  It can make us fear, doubt and question why?  But what if we could take control before it takes us down?  I have found many times that my disappointments were because of my own behaviors and patterns.  Of course there are circumstances that are out of our control, but for today let’s focus on a few areas that we can control.

You may be discouraging yourself without even realizing it.  If you are too hard on yourself,   setting unrealistic goals, or expecting to do more than you are able, you will become overwhelmed.   Maybe you are constantly replaying mistakes and shortcomings in your mind that cause you to lose your confidence and feel depleted.  I know.  I’ve been there.  Instead of being down on yourself, focus on all the things that you have accomplished.  Give yourself a high five, and thank God for what He has already done.   Don’t be so hard on yourself. 

If you fall into the comparison trap, you will be discouraged.  2 Corinthians 10:12, tells us that it is unwise to compare ourselves with others.  Don’t allow yourself to go there.  God made you to be you.  He has a unique purpose and plan that only you can fulfill.  If you see someone being blessed, don’t compare yourself to them, just rejoice with them.  God has you exactly where He wants you.

Maybe you have been trying to please everyone.  This will wear you out mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  It is so easy to say yes to everyone, but it is quite difficult to do everything.  My son gave me this adorable plaque that reads, “You can’t please everyone, you’re not a taco.”  My friend, you are not a taco. When you try to please everyone, you are actually trying to accomplish something that God himself can’t even do.  Not too long ago, I entered a money giveaway, and I wanted to win.  I found myself asking God why didn’t I win?  He softly spoke to me, what if someone else needed the money even more than you did?  I quickly realized that God could not possibly answer everyone’s prayers on that give away.  It also reminded me of a story about several individuals praying for the snow to stop, while others were praying for it to keep snowing.  Obviously, someone was not going to be happy.  If God can’t please everyone, why do you think that you can?  Stop trying to please everyone.  Instead, continue to focus on your assignment and pleasing the Lord.

What about when we try to change someone?  I know, you wouldn’t think of doing that, right?  I have found that when I begin to try to make something happen in my own strength, I come up short.  But, when I pray, and trust God with the situation, He begins to move miraculously.  I am not saying that we can’t ask for someone to do something differently, but we can’t force them to make the change.  Proverbs 21:1 states that, “the King’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”  You may not be able to change a heart, but God is able to change it.  Begin to let go and trust Him to move on your behalf.

There are other ways you and I can breed discouragement, lack of self-care, overloading yourself and your calendar, or procrastination.  If you begin to take control over some of these areas I guarantee that discouragement will begin to flee.  Say goodbye to discouragement today.  His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.  As you let go you will find the strength, courage and faith to become all that the Lord has called you to be and do.

I am rooting for you and more importantly, God is rooting for you!

I can’t wait to hear your testimony!


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