His Steadfast Love


  “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness”   

Lamentations 3:22-23

As I thought about the above scripture it brought a sense of peace to my spirit. God’s love and mercy not only are never ending, but are being renewed every morning.  I do not think we can find greater hope than knowing that. Each and every day is new.   I think as we really meditate on this scripture we see how deep and true God’s love is for us.  To understand the depth of this, it is helpful to recognize the meaning of some of the words used in this verse.  Steadfast is defined as firmly fixed in place, immovable, and not subject to change.  This is precisely how God’s love is towards us.  It is fixed. His love is immovable, and it will never change.  Not only will it not change, it is not subject to change.  This tells us it is not even up for debate.  Your heavenly Father will not change His mind, or reconsider the decision to love you..  There has never been nor will there ever be any thought or temptation that will come into God’s mind to stop loving you.  

 If God’s love is steadfast and it will never change, we can hold tight to the promises in this verse.  We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23).   But the word tells us that His mercies will never end.  This makes sense as we recognize that God’s mercy is a byproduct of His love.  Since His love will never end, neither will His mercy. The only reason this is possible is because He has an immovable love towards us that is not subject to change.  In Hebrew the word for “to end “ is Kala, which means finish, complete, be concluded, be gone, wear out, fail, no longer be in an able or capable condition, grow weary, perish, or be in a state of ruin. WOW.   God’s mercy towards us will NEVER be any of these things.  It will never be finished, or be gone.  There will never be a moment when it wears out or is no longer able or capable.  His mercy will never perish.   

In addition, not only will His mercy never end, the verse tells us that it is new every morning.  God gives new mercy for the day and it is refreshed each morning. This is not just a statement about availability, it is also about access. Regardless of how often we have to rely on God’s mercy, we can always come back for more. This does not give us permission to consciously choose to disobey God.  It does not give us permission to walk in blatant sin.  But when we are doing our best and fall short, He is always ready to pick us back up, forgive us and empower us.

Allow His steadfast love to fill you with hope today.  Knowing that regardless of any mistakes or wrong choices made, your slate has been washed clean by the blood of the lamb.   He is for you and His mercy is available to you each and every day. 

Until Next Time Remember,

 Stay Calm and Be Empowered


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