Communication and information is at our disposal every second of the day.  We get instant messaging and live updates from all sources and our smartphones alert us as soon as they come through.  I found myself checking all my messages and emails as soon as I would wake up in the mornings, and it kind of bothered me.  As I began to contemplate my actions I realized that I wanted “information”.  I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything “important”.  Then the Holy Spirit began to show me how I can get so caught up in what is happening on all the different platforms, and the phone calls and meetings and forget to get on the “Heaven’s Door App”.  

Jesus said that he must go, but he would send the helper, a comforter, and the spirit of truth. (John 14, 15)   We have a helper from Heaven.  He will show you things to come.  He will warn you.  He will prepare you.  He will give you wisdom.  When we give space for the Father to speak to us, He does.  Draw nigh unto me and I will draw nigh unto you. (James 4:8).   When we take time to get on the “Heaven’s Door App”, we can receive God’s messages.  He will alert us of things that we ourselves have no knowledge of.

There have been times when the Holy Spirit would speak to me regarding something I should do and find out later on that it was exactly what needed to be done.  I really hate it when I don’t take heed to His instruction and find out later on that I should have.  A great example of that would be when it’s a beautiful day out, and the Holy Spirit nudges you to pick up your umbrella, but you say it’s not supposed to rain today.  Yet, later on in the day while you are about to get ready to head out of the office you notice it is pouring outside.  Ever have a moment like that?

God is alive and the Holy Spirit is amazing.  He will lead you and guide you into green pastures.  When I think of green pastures, I think of peace.  I think of joy and fullness.  I even see green pastures as prosperous.  It is not barren or dry.  It is plush.  When you take time to sit still and listen to what He has to say to you, He will help you achieve that which you have set out to do.

I want to encourage you to “seek ye first the kingdom of God”.  (Matthew 6:33)  Instead of checking your email, messages, etc.  Check in with the Father and see what His news is for you today!   You will be amazed at what He will do for you.

Until Next Time Remember,

Stay Calm and Be Empowered.


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