I have been on a beautiful  journey of discovery this past week as the Lord was leading me into a  “self” checkup.  We take our cars in for oil changes and checkups, and many of us go to the doctors for our physical health checkups.  But how many of us spend the time to do a spiritual, inner checkup?

How is your spirit feeling today?  Where is your level of faith?  How does your mind feel?  What about your emotions?  Are you feeling depressed or angry?  Does your spirit feel unsettled?  Perhaps you are just going through the motions, but not really feeling anything?  Maybe your tank is full, your engine is purring, things are going great and you are feeling wonderful.   No matter where you find yourself today, I encourage you to take some time out.  Forget about all the good and not so good things that are happening around you, and take a look inside. 

We can have the outside of our car all washed and waxed.  As people pass by, everyone looks  and thinks wow, what a perfectly detailed car.   But is it?  Did you take a look at the inside of the car?  Is there by chance some old food wrappers, (bitterness, unforgiveness) empty cans, (unfulfilled promises, doubt, regrets) or dirty garments (pride, hate, judgmental spirits)?  What about the engine?  Did you pop the hood and check out the connections, the fuel pump, and/or the fluids?  If your car isn’t properly maintained it can cause problems later on.  Old and spoiled items on the inside can create a foul smell, and if our fluids are low, it can literally cause a disaster.   

How much more important is our spirit man? 2 Corinthians 7:1 says, “therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”  Our spirit can become dusty, dirty, and at times downright nasty.  Go through the check list.  Do you have any unforgiveness?  Pride? Jealousy? Hate? Worry? Fear?  Are you walking by faith, or are you walking in your  own strength?  Have you been a light to others?  Are you  a joy to be around?  Is your life filled with praise or complaining?  Are you  getting enough rest, or are you tired?  Worn-out?  Where are your thoughts?

We must continually search our hearts and minds to be free of all filthiness.  Taking a full inventory of ourselves and the deep inner parts of our spirit is imperative to our growth in Christ.  Jesus came to set us free!  Over time things can creep into our spirits without us even knowing they have creeped in.  Aligning our spirit and our thoughts with the Word of God brings healing, joy and liberty.  “thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee”.  Isaiah 26:3

I encourage you to take yourself on a spiritual road this week and go in for a tune up.   Allow Holy Spirit to reveal to you the unseen things that may have creeped in and allow the grace of God and the blood of Jesus to cleanse you and make you whole.  Remember, He wants to reveal these things to bring healing to you, not to condemn you.  All we need to do is recognize those areas, repent and praise God for His deliverance.

There is freedom and power in the blood.

Until Next Time Remember,  Stay Calm and Be Empowered.

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