God has a supernatural anointing and mantle that He desires to empower you with.  It is an anointing that will give you an advantage and set you apart from the rest!  It is the favor of God on your life.  What has God called you to do?  This mantle is not just for ministers.  This is an anointing for whatever you are called by God to do.  If God has called you to be an entrepreneur, a banker, a roofer, a custodian, administrator, realtor, stay at home mom or dad. Whatever the call, God has a supernatural cloak He wants to put over you.

This mantle, this anointing, gives you an advantage the world does not have.  Your words begin to have power.  Your ideas and wisdom start being downloaded from Heaven.  He gives you supernatural insight to things that are to come.  He will lead you to prepare in advance for those things and cause you to be the head and not the tail. 

“And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them”    Deuteronomy 28:13  

The anointing of the Lord is tangible and is available to you right now.  It causes everything you set out to do to blossom.  It allows everything to bud.  It causes a supernatural increase.  Increase in your spirit, n your joy, in your peace, and increase in your finances.  David was anointed by God and blessed by God because he had a heart after God.  You will be blessed coming in, and blessed going out.  (Dueteronomy 28:6)  When we turn our hearts to the Lord and obey Him, He anoints us for HIS glory.  He desires to bless you, that HE might be lifted up on high.  So that He would be glorified, according to His Word.

You might be asking, how can I get this anointing?  How can I tap into this favor from God? It is a gift of God, but there is a price to pay for this precious oil.  Are you willing to lay it all down and follow Him?  In order to obtain His anointing, you must hearken unto the voice of the Lord.  “Today, if you hear His voice, harden not your hearts as they did in the provocation” (Hebrews 3:15).  When you align yourself with the purpose, the plan and the vision God has for you, you will begin to see His hand and His Spirit come upon that which you set your hands to.  His Spirit will come upon you because God himself is leading you.  When you follow Him,  He is there!  It is when we are striving in our own strength, doing our own thing that the oil runs dry.  When we get off course we find ourselves stuck and at a roadblock. But when you stay connected to Him and consecrated to Him, His anointing flows over you.  Things begin to happen.  Miracles begin to take place.  The anointing flows where God is.

Seek Him daily for His guidance, for His direction, for His purpose and for His mantle.  I pray in the name of Jesus that the Lord would begin to send fresh oil over you right now, and douse you with an infilling of the Holy Spirit and POWER!  May you find a  direct download from heaven as you step into His divine presence and calling.


Until Next Time,


Stay Calm And Be Empowered.

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