I heard a profound story the other day that occurred on a big television cooking contest show about a woman who made it to the final round.  Because she had won all the other rounds, they gave her an advantage over all the other contestants.  She was given a very well known chef, who specialized in pastries, to help her with her entry.  All the contestants had to make a dessert, and of course, the one who made the best one would win everything.  Everyone expected her to win hands down.  The chef was an award winning pastry maker, but something unexpected took place.  When it was time to begin, the Chef asked the contestant, “What would you like me to do?” She replied, “cut the fruit up for me.”  Cut the fruit up?  How humiliating, right?  So, the chef just cut up the fruit for her.  Needless to say, she did not win.  She clearly threw away the advantage that she had been given.

When I heard this story, I could not help considering how God must feel.  I am sure the famous Chef must have felt degraded, pushed aside, unworthy and possibly confused.  I know I would have been scratching my head, asking myself, why didn’t she want me to help her?  Why would she have me just cut fruit? Doesn’t she know who I am?  I began to wonder if I was doing the same thing with God?  Have I limited God by not asking Him for the bigger things in my life?  Have I pushed away the advantage I have been given?  Ephesians 3:20 tells us, “Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us”. 

You have been given a great advantage!  Because of the shed blood of Jesus, you now have access to all of God’s wisdom, discernment, gifts, provision and abilities.  He will do above and beyond all that you can ask or think.  The favor of God is real.  Don’t push Him out.  Instead ask BIG.  “You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask.”  ~James 4:2. Maybe you feel like you aren’t worthy of asking God for that big promotion, or that dream house.  Or, you walk in pride, thinking I am not going to ask God, I can do it myself. Take down those lies.  God desires you to ask Him.  He wants you to ask, so He can do amazing things in your life, as a testimony to His power. Take the advantage He has given you, and run with it.

If your dream isn’t bigger than you, God isn’t able to perform a miracle.  It is when we go beyond ourselves, and reach for something bigger and greater than what we believe we are capable of doing on our own, that we enter into divine empowerment.  

He will do above and beyond all that you can think or imagine.  So imagine BIG.  Dream BIG.  Ask BIG, and allow God to be who He is.  A miracle worker.  

Until Next Time Remember,

Stay Calm and Be Empowered


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