I woke up in the middle of the night with the Lord putting one word on my heart.  “Fireflies”.  The first thought that came to me was how much I loved watching them up at our home in Tennessee.  They would just light up the whole section of our property and bring so much joy to all of us.  Sometimes we would just sit there and watch them, other times the kids would try to catch them and put them in jars.   It reminded me of Jesus telling his followers that they are the light of the world.  (~Matthew 5:14) 

Just a few weeks ago, I ran into the couple that became the light in my life.  I was lost, broken, addicted and going nowhere fast.  Jeanne was the manager in the operations department where I was working, and I admired her dearly.  Her husband would come in and would just make you smile.  They were happy, loving and different.  Long story short, they began to pray for me and invited me to a bible study in their home and eventually led me to the Lord.

If it wasn’t for them shining their light, I would not be where I am today.  Keep in mind, they did not share that they were Christians with me.  They did not quote scriptures, or try to hand me tracks or flyers.  For months, before she ever asked me to a Bible Study, I was able to witness their light. Matthew 5;16 says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”  

It was the “good works,” that got my attention way before the mention of Christ.  They were kind, joyful, loving, and had peace that others around me did not have.  It was evident that they had something I wanted.

I looked up what the purpose was for the firefly’s light and one of the primary uses is to attract mates.  Maybe our light is a way to attract others to Christ himself. When we walk in the fruits of the spirit, and do good works, others notice.  I am forever grateful for Jeanne and Glen who chose to put Christ on and walk in His ways. That was over 35 years ago, and I can still remember what I felt, saw and heard.  The light of the Father.

Allow His light to shine through you at work, in the grocery store, at the sporting events and every opportunity you have. 

Your light will make a difference.

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