Finding Faith In An Unbelieving World

   If you turn on the news today, or reach for the latest social media trending post, most likely you will find a world full of chaos.  There are stories of tragedy, heartache, evil and greed surrounding us.  There is a battle in the world today to destroy the message of Christ and to discredit the Word of God.  In the midst of all the distractions and lies, how do you stay faithful and continue to follow the Father?   

   It is important to understand exactly what faith is in order to have it activated in our lives.  God’s Word tells us  “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”  Hebrews 11:1    Simply stated, faith is your belief.  Although we are saved by grace, it took faith; belief in Christ in order for us to receive our salvation.  We can not physically see Christ.  We were not present at his birth, during his life or at the time of his death. However our faith tells us that his story is true and that the gift of salvation is real.  

  Keeping our faith strong and able to withstand the attacks from the world can only happen when we put action behind the faith. James tells us that “Faith without works is dead”  James 2:17.  We have to put our faith into action and move.  It is when we move and act upon our trust and belief in God, that our faith becomes active.  It becomes alive and begins to manifest.  You may be reading God’s Word, and a scripture jumps out at you. It speaks to you and you know that He put it there just for you.  THIS is the Word becoming alive and active in our lives. 

     We need to activate our faith as we navigate life.  When God speaks to us and tells us something, in faith we must trust in that, and act upon it.  He may tell you to do something you don’t want to do.  He may encourage you to move your family to a new area, as he did with Abraham.  Maybe He will speak to you and tell you to build a big boat like Noah.   These great men of God, heard from the Father and put their faith in Him into action.   It pleases Him when we act in faith and God rewards us in return.   Hebrews 11:6 tells us “ But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” 

  Wherever you are in life, whatever your situation is, in all things we must have faith to know that God will see us through our circumstances.  We have to walk in that faith.  We can not just sit still and watch.  Get up and move.  When His word tells you He will supply all your needs, but your bank account is negative, trust in Him and have the faith to know He is bigger than your bank account.  However, that faith may come with the action of God telling you to do something.  Will you listen?  Will you follow Him with a trusting, believing heart?  Allow your faith to be activated this week .  Begin to think and meditate on God’s Word.  Believe in what He says and obey Him.  Watch as your faith takes action and you stand firm upon His promises. 


Until Next Time Remember

Stay Calm, and Be Empowered.

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