Over the last couple of weeks, both myself and the ministry have been under attack and I began to ask the Lord why?   What did I do wrong?  God, I thought I was doing what you wanted me to do.  Did I miss it?  Was the peace and the Word I thought I had from you, not you?  All these questions, doubt and even fear were trying to invade my mind and heart, but as I sought the Lord in prayer, He gently spoke to my spirit and led me to the book of Daniel in the sixth chapter.

You may have heard the story about Daniel in the Lion’s den, but look at what the Lord was putting into motion before he was thrown in there.  King Darius adored Daniel and because he stood out above everyone, the King was getting ready to give Daniel rule over all the Kingdom.  Maybe you feel like you are being thrown to the lions?  Maybe God is about to elevate you? 

Before I was hit with these attacks, I had new direction from the Lord and was excited about the things He was beginning to do.  Remember, the enemy attacks when you are moving forward.  My late husband, Pastor David Paul Smith, would always say that the enemy attacks the hardest right before a blessing.

When the other men in high authority found out that the King wanted to put Daniel in charge, they set out to find fault with Daniel. When you are about to be promoted, satan will try to condemn you, frame you, steal from you, or do anything he can to bring you down.  But these men could not find any corrupt thing about Daniel and they began to manipulate and put together a plan to use his faithfulness to God against him.  They went to King Darius and flattered him with their words and deceived him into establishing a decree that whoever worshiped any other man or any other God besides King Darious to be thrown into the Lion’s den.

But look how Daniel handled the news.  “Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem.  Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before”  ~ Daniel 6:10  It is important to look at what Daniel did.  He continued to get on his knees, pray and give thanks to God.  When you are in the fire, you must praise Him.  Do not let the enemy trick you into complaining, whining, murmuring, or blaming anyone.   Get into your prayer closet.  Put on some praise music and begin to declare the Word of the Lord!  

God was with Daniel and he delivered him from the mouths of the lions.  He is going to do the same for you.  God is with you, and God is for you.  And, “if God be for you, then who can be against you?  ~Romans 8:31  Your fight is not against flesh and blood and YOU have the victory because Jesus has already defeated the enemy!  (Eph 6:12)

Stay calm, praise Him and be empowered.  You are about to soar!


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