
Praying with the King Part 3

Praying with the King Part 3

Praying with the King  Part 3       Over the past few weeks we have been discussing the importance and the power of prayer.  Jesus laid out a wonderful example for us in Matthew 6: 9-13.   He shows us the perfect formula to access this tool that God has given to us.  It may sound strange to refer…

Praying With The King Part 2

Praying With The King Part 2

Praying With The King Part 2    Spending time with God in prayer is vital to our relationship with Him.   As we have been diving into prayer these few weeks, and what the Word tells us, it is a common challenge for many of us to be able to actually find the time to pray.   How do you…

Praying With The King

Praying With The King

Praying With The King  Can you think about the last time someone asked you to pray for them?  Perhaps you were listening to a friend talking about a situation in their lives, and you responded  “I will pray for you”.  In both of those scenarios, what was the outcome?  Did you immediately cry out to the Father, lifting that person…

Finding Faith In An Unbelieving World

Finding Faith In An Unbelieving World

Finding Faith In An Unbelieving World    If you turn on the news today, or reach for the latest social media trending post, most likely you will find a world full of chaos.  There are stories of tragedy, heartache, evil and greed surrounding us.  There is a battle in the world today to destroy the message of Christ and to discredit…

Freedom In Christ

Freedom In Christ

We live in a country where freedom is celebrated.  The founding fathers gave their life for it.  The majority of us were born into a county that offers freedom with no true understanding of what it took to obtain it.  This liberty is often taken for granted.  Many do not appreciate it, and at times some even disrespect it.  The…

The Winning Strategy

The Winning Strategy

The Winning Strategy         In any battle, or challenge we need to have a strong strategy in place to win.  A plan of action or set of guidelines we are going to follow to ensure a victory.  Sports teams spend time studying their opponents before a big game.  They know the strengths and weaknesses of the other…



             Satan is sneaky in his manipulation.  His main purpose is to rob us.   “The thief does not come except to steal. And to kill and to destroy” John 10:10.  He causes destruction in all areas of our life. He will try to steal your joy.  He will try to destroy your dreams, wreak relationships and ruin your finances. …



When I take a moment to think about God’s blessings on my life and all the times that He has answered prayers or He has worked a miracle in my life or in the lives of those around me I am in awe.  We all have desires, visions, hopes and dreams.  As believers in Christ, many times we want God…

The Power of Pentecost

The Power of Pentecost

The Bible is filled with many examples of times when God’s people were confronted with a challenge, or a situation and it causes confusion, doubt or disbelief.   A wonderful example of this is in Luke Chapter 24.  The story of the three women visiting the tomb of Jesus and finding it empty.  The word says …’ And they found…