


    How Do I Find Freedom In The Cross? Jesus came to earth not to condemn the world, but to save us.  He came to set us free.  But free from what?  There are many things in this world that can hold us captive, and often, we don’t even realize it’s happening. We just accept it as part of…

The Benefits of Worship

The Benefits of Worship

The Benefits of Worship     The more you spend time in God’s presence, the more likely you are to find yourself enjoying all the wonderful benefits of Him in your life.  The less time you  spend in His presence, the less likely you are to enjoy all that He has to offer you as a Father who loves to…



DRY BONES   Do you have dry areas in your life?  You have been given supernatural power to change your circumstances.  God’s word tells us “ Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”  –Proverbs 18:21.   Your words have the power to cause dryness or blessings.  We can…

Why Isn’t God Answering Me?

Why Isn’t God Answering Me?

Why Isn’t God Answering Me ?   Time in prayer is the most important thing we can do in our relationship with God.  We recently spent time talking about prayer and how to create a deeper  connection with the Lord during our quiet time.  However, what happens when you don’t get answers to those prayers?   Why does it sometimes…

Praying With The King Part 4

Praying With The King Part 4

Praying With The King  Part 4   When you think of prayer, what is the first thought that comes to your mind?  Is it that cute little prayer “God is great, God is good, Let us thank him for our food”?  Is it another verse that you memorized when you were younger? There is nothing wrong with repeating a prayer…

Praying with the King Part 3

Praying with the King Part 3

Praying with the King  Part 3       Over the past few weeks we have been discussing the importance and the power of prayer.  Jesus laid out a wonderful example for us in Matthew 6: 9-13.   He shows us the perfect formula to access this tool that God has given to us.  It may sound strange to refer…

Praying With The King Part 2

Praying With The King Part 2

Praying With The King Part 2    Spending time with God in prayer is vital to our relationship with Him.   As we have been diving into prayer these few weeks, and what the Word tells us, it is a common challenge for many of us to be able to actually find the time to pray.   How do you…

Praying With The King

Praying With The King

Praying With The King  Can you think about the last time someone asked you to pray for them?  Perhaps you were listening to a friend talking about a situation in their lives, and you responded  “I will pray for you”.  In both of those scenarios, what was the outcome?  Did you immediately cry out to the Father, lifting that person…

Finding Faith In An Unbelieving World

Finding Faith In An Unbelieving World

Finding Faith In An Unbelieving World    If you turn on the news today, or reach for the latest social media trending post, most likely you will find a world full of chaos.  There are stories of tragedy, heartache, evil and greed surrounding us.  There is a battle in the world today to destroy the message of Christ and to discredit…