Have you questioned if God still does miracles today?  If so, you can be assured that He is still performing wonders in the heavens and on earth.  The word declares that God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  (Hebrews 13:8)  He is still the same miracle worker as He was in the beginning.   In the book of John, chapter 14, verses twelve through fourteen, Jesus is speaking and says, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.  And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”  Wow.  Now that is a powerful promise.  Not only have miracles continued, Jesus said that greater works shall we do.  Why?  Because He went to be with the Father and then sent the Holy Spirit to dwell here within us to do those greater works.

So why don’t we see miracles happening in the body of Christ?  Why aren’t prayers answered?  God moves according to your faith.  Not according to your need.  Jesus said, if you believe.  Are you believing God today for your miracle?  For your breakthrough? For your prayers to be answered?  If you are, are you willing to do whatever He says to do? Faith without works is dead. (James 2:26)  I have seen God do many miracles in my personal life, and have had Him answer an uncountable number of prayers.  Yet, when I look back on those answered prayers, miracles, and deliverances, I have found that I was always instructed by the Holy Spirit to do something first!  That’s right; God makes us move in order to see His miracles.  

 Many times I see Christians waiting on God to wave a wand in their direction for something to happen.  Except, God is actually waiting on them.  If you believe in Him, do whatever He is telling you to do.  I have found that when I am not seeing God move in my life, it is because I have not done what He has already instructed me to do.  He is very patient, and He has all the time in the world to wait on us to finally act on what His word says and act on what the Holy Spirit is telling us to do.

The very first miracle Jesus performed was at the wedding feast at Cana,in Galilee, when Mary, his mother, told Jesus they ran out of wine.  She knew  He could do something about it.  Jesus answered her and told her it wasn’t his time.  However Mary told the servants to “Do Whatever He Says!”  Then Jesus told the servants to fill the water jugs with water and then told them to go ahead and draw it out, and give the guests the wine.  The servants had to “DO WHAT HE SAID”, in order to see the miracle and taste the miracle.  

What has the Lord put on your heart to do?  What has He spoken to you regarding the situation you are praying about?  Are you obeying Him first?  Again, God is very patient and He will wait for us to truly believe and act on His Word.  Then we will see miracles. Remember the lame man who sat waiting until the waters stirred to be healed?  Jesus asked him why he didn’t go in the water?  The lame man said that every time the water was  stirred others would beat him to it.  Kind of sounds like an excuse right? Maybe even a little bit of poor me in there?   We need to let go of all our doubts, all of our self-pity,  all our I don’t feel like doing that.  That’s too hard, and all our excuses for not doing whatever HE says to do.  Finally, Jesus told the lame man to stand up, and pick up your mat.  The lame man had to stand up and pick up his mat…then he was healed.   

What is it that you would like to see God do in your life?  He is ready, He is willing and He will cause you to rise up victorious.  Pray.  Ask God. Seek Him.  And do whatever HE says to do.  

Looking forward to hearing your testimonies!  

Until Next Time Remember, 

Stay Calm and Be Empowered.

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