Your life is going to be controlled by one of two forces.  Fear or faith.  Every decision you make is based on one of them.  Jesus said, “be it unto you according to your faith”.  Answers to prayers and miracles happen through faith.  Supernatural giftings, blessings, and abundance all come by faith.  Fear is the devil’s tool to steal, kill and destroy your life.  Faith is God’s tool to bring you into the Promised Land! 

Sometimes we allow fear to come in because we don’t accept God’s love and provision.  We let our past sin’s and failures keep us out of His presence and open the door for the enemy to steal our faith. What was done on the cross has set us free and washed us clean from all our sins.  Receive His promises, and don’t allow fear to set in.

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”.  ~2 Timothy 1:7

Fear is a spirit, and it’s not from the Lord.  God has given you power, love and a sound mind.  He has an exceedingly good plan for you, and is already moving on your behalf.  Don’t allow fear to come in and paralyze you.   If you allow fear to stop you in little things, fear will stop you in the larger things.  You don’t have to let fear rule your life!  To overcome fear, you can not respond to it!  You need to fight back with your faith.  Faith is our tool from God to push through all the fear and all the doubt.  

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”   ~Isaiah 41:10

If you are being hit with fear, rejoice and hold on to your faith.  I have found that when God is about to fulfill a promise, especially a large blessing, fear strikes the hardest.  If you want to be set free from the spirit of fear, begin today by releasing your faith.  Speak it out loud!  God is with me! God is for me! All the promises of God, in Christ Jesus are yes and Amen!  I bind every spirit of fear and command it to go in the name of Jesus.  I receive healing and victory!  It is mine! Amen and Amen!  

Until Next Time,

Stay Calm and

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