“…for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content”  

~Philippians 4:11

I think all of us, at one time or another, believe that what others possess is better than what we have.  Whether it be material things, status, relationships, or the newest and greatest thing on the market.  It can all appear much better to us and sometimes make us feel that if we only had “that”, our lives would be greater.  I know this may seem minute, but I was purchasing some items for a rental that we own, and I thought the kitchen could use a grater.  In my search, I found one that looked absolutely amazing.  I thought for sure that it would be far superior to the one I had. I decided to purchase that one for myself and give my old grater towards the rental. You probably already figured out what happens next.  I was so excited to see this new one in action but as I began to use it, I realized that I made a big mistake.  Why did I think this new item would be better than the one I already had?  I never thought mine was bad to begin with but when I saw that “new” updated one, I just had to have it.

All throughout scripture it teaches us to be content with what we have and not be envious or greedy.  To pursue Him and His righteousness rather than riches.  But how do we accomplish this when everything around us in the world says the opposite.  The advertisements, social media, and the business guru’s all scream, “you must possess more, be more, live more”.  So, we begin the pursuit of gaining it all and many times find ourselves, worn out, frustrated and disappointed even when we achieve the goals we set for ourselves.

Jesus was speaking in the book of Matthew about not worrying about food, clothes, and our basic needs but to seek Him.  “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.” ~Matthew 6:33-34  When we seek Him first and allow ourselves to be led by the spirit of the Lord, He adds all these “things” to our lives.  

Being content and not worrying about “things” allows us to concentrate on what matters most.  As we remain content with whatever state we are in at the moment and focus on Him, all the other things just happen.   Our visions and dreams begin to manifest in His perfect timing.  And when He does it, we are never disappointed.  Remember when Jesus turned the water into wine?  It was His first miracle, but He was so content waiting on the Father’s time for His ministry to begin, that He told Mary it wasn’t time.  He was in no rush, and no hurry.  In fact, Mary, his mother, was used by the Father to let Jesus know it was time when she told the servants to do whatever He said.  (~John 2)

This next season, I encourage you to seek Him and be content in whatever situation you are in.  Thank Him for the victories, the blessings and all that you possess, And with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto Him.  Then rest, in faith, knowing that He will bring to pass all that He has planned and prepared for you. He will not disappoint you. 

Until Next Time, Remember,

Stay Calm and Be Empowered. 

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1 Comment

  • Kim Doran
    Posted December 27, 2023 2:53 pm 0Likes

    Thank you for the timely post. It has been a season of waiting and grateful to say, well worth it. Learning to be content simplifies life and shifts the focus on what matters most.

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