Growing up in the North East, the new school year always began after Labor Day.  As I reflect back on those days, it was a joyful time.  There was a freshness in the spirit. The summer was coming to a close.  You could feel the shift of the winds and a coolness in the air.  Even the fragrance was different.  It was a time filled with excitement, new supplies, new clothes, new anticipations and a new year to look forward to.  We are in that same timing of the Lord.  There is a shift in the spiritual realm and God is unleashing a fresh wind.  “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?  Isaiah 43:19

We are in Elul, the twelfth month of the Jewish calendar,  which is a time of reflection, repentance and return.  It takes a willing vessel to set time aside and reflect on our present state.  I encourage you to take some Jesus time-out, and allow the Holy Spirit to blow on you.  He wants to refresh you and ignite your inner man.  As you allow Him access to purify your spirit and purge any impurities, you will receive new wine.  Over the last few weeks, God has been moving in my heart to change things up, to reflect and to repent.  As I  have been spending more time in worship, prayer and mediating on His Word, I have entered into the shift  and witnessed an increase of His Spirit.  I believe He wants you to encounter a fresh wind as well.  He wants to open your eyes to a new revelation.  He is going to give you new insight, new wisdom and an abundance of His power.  The new wine is being dispersed now. Will you receive it? 

In Luke 5:37-39, Jesus spoke a parable regarding new wine not being able to be held in “old wineskins”.  We must be willing to let go of the old in order for the Lord to bring in the new.  He also said that, “No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better.”  Meaning it is not always easy to let go of the old.  The old is what we are accustomed to.  It is what feels comfortable.  But in order to have new wine flowing, we must be willing to get out of our comfort zone.  We must be willing to change some old habits and repent from any impurities, jealousy, unforgiveness, or  bitterness and allow the Holy Spirit to bring us into a new season.  A new season of flourishing.  You don’t have to stay in the same old same old.  God is pouring out new wine.

His wind is blowing right now!  Let go of the old ropes that are keeping you docked.  Put your sails up, and get ready to catch the wind.  


Until Next Time


Stay Calm and Be Empowered. 

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