You know that you are in need of much rest when you find it almost impossible to take twenty minutes without doing anything physical or mental, and just be still.  Psalm 46:10 gently reminds us to, “Be still, and know that I am God.”  Being still doesn’t mean to merely stop your physical activities, it means calming your mind and heart. 

I found myself struggling in this stillness as the Lord has been telling me to rest.  You would think that rest would be easy, however after decades of never resting and always working, moving and doing, physical rest does not come as easily to me.  We can rest in faith knowing that He is going to provide for us and take care of us.  There is also a sabbath rest where we are to rest from all of our labor and enjoy our fruits.  However,  I found myself, at a beautiful beach resort on a gorgeous day, unable to sit back and relax.  It took everything in me to breathe in all the beauty that was around me and do nothing but enjoy it.  Bottom line, it took work for me to be still.

Maybe you have found yourself in a similar situation.  Unable to stop your mind, or cease from physical work.  God himself rested on the seventh day and He commanded us to do the same.  “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work”.  ~Exodus 20:8-10  God gave the sabbath to us as a gift and I believe it was meant for our bodies to rebuild and heal. (Mark 2:27)   Working in the ministry for as many years as I have, Sunday was our big work day and I seemed to never take a day off.  Even on vacations, I was working at least four to five hours a day.  I can’t imagine how many Sabbath days I owed my body.  I learned the hard way that you can not continue to keep going like an energy bunny without consequences.  Right after Covid hit, I had sold my preschool business, and some properties the ministry had owned and literally collapsed.  I was nonfunctional for some time and I truly believe that part of the reason behind it was not resting.  Not taking advantage of the gift that God had given.  His Sabbath day.  

I still struggle with prioritizing my rest at times, but I do know that it is a vital part of our spiritual, physical and mental well-being.  When we neglect rest, we often find ourselves overwhelmed and irritable.  Chronic stress and exhaustion can lead to burnout, affecting every aspect of our lives. Including how we treat those around us.  When we are over tired, we can become nasty without even acknowledging it.   However, when we intentionally incorporate periods of rest and stillness into our regular routine, we experience greater clarity, peace, and resilience.  

I encourage you to take some time out.  You deserve to rest in faith, knowing God has you.  Commit to one day per week of rest, and allow His Spirit to restore you, heal you, equip you, and quicken your mortal body.  

Until Next Time,
Stay Calm and Be Empowered.


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